21 Practical Tips to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy with Kids

Are you struggling with chaos at home?

Discover 21 practical tips for keeping your house clean and tidy, even with small children around. I’ve tried each one and have seen a significant improvement in my home.

Key points

  • Set correct expectations about what it means for you to have a clean house
  • Create cleaning strategies and routines, they should be easy to understand and follow
  • Give everything a designated place, create practical storage solutions
  • Make regular decluttering, and remember less things to have means less to take care of
  • Change the focus, your home is there to support your life, not dominate it.

I’ve spent weeks researching how to manage the mess kids create at home and keep your house clean. After applying plenty of ideas, I’ve compiled a list of the tips to share with you, based on my experience.

Here are the best 21 tips. Give them a try and see the difference for yourself!

21 Practical Tips to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy with Kids

1 Set Correct Expectations

2 Power Clean

3 Provide Storage Solutions

4 Prioritize

5 Limit Play Area

6 Limit Amount Of Toys

7 Decluttering

8 Efficiently Organize Clothes And Shoes

9 Apply Minimalism Where Possible

10 Cleaning-Friendly Purchases

11 Establish Tidying Routines

12 Break Up Big Tasks

13 Tidy as You Go

14 Daily Essential Tasks

15 Involve Kids (And Not Only) In Cleaning

16 Keep Your Systems Simple

17 Anticipate Common Messes

18 Prevent Overwhelming Messes

19 Invest In Good Cleaning Equipment

20 Hire Help If You Can

21 Let it Go and Shift the Focus

Keep reading to find out how to implement these tips.

1 Set Correct Expectations

Let’s be real, keeping your home spotless with kids around? Nearly impossible. Aim for ‘good enough’ instead. Accept that a perfectly clean house is a bigger challenge with little ones. It might not be as pristine as before kids, but that’s okay.

And remember, if you’re feeling down because your place doesn’t match up to others’, but you’re actually fine with how it is, don’t stress over it. Your home, your rules.

2 Power Clean

Try this: set a timer for 10-20 minutes each evening. During this time, everyone in your family joins in. Crank up some music and make it fun!

Whether you’re in the zone and go beyond 20 minutes, or that’s all you can manage, it’s fine.

This approach has been a game-changer for us, helping tackle the big tasks eventually. The key? Consistency.

Also, sprinkle in ’10-minute tidy-ups’ throughout the day. When the timer starts, everyone stops what they’re doing and gets to tidying, whether it’s picking up toys, doing dishes, or folding laundry.

This 10-minute daily routine can revolutionize your cleaning habits, challenging you to efficiently tidy up in a set time.

3 Provide Storage Solutions

Assign a specific spot for everything in your home. Use shelves, bins, and baskets to organize toys, housewares, and other belongings.

This approach not only keeps things tidy but also makes cleaning much easier. It’s a simple yet effective way to cut down on clutter and maintain order.

Give it a try – you’ll be amazed at how much smoother your daily routine becomes!4 Prioritize

When cleaning your apartment, it’s smart to prioritize. Can’t do it all at once? That’s okay!

Decide which areas need a deep clean immediately and where a little mess won’t hurt. Tackle the high-traffic areas like the kitchen and living room first for a deep clean. It’s okay to leave less-used spaces like a spare room a bit untidy for now.

This way, you keep the most important areas fresh and inviting, without stressing over every corner.

It’s all about smart cleaning – focusing where it matters most and giving yourself a break elsewhere.

5 Limit Play Area

Limiting your kids’ play area at home can be a game-changer. Set up a designated area if your space allows, make a whole playroom or just a corner in their bedroom. Place bins with all their toys, add bookshelves, a toy kitchen, a train set, or whatever your children love, creating a fun and organized play area.

This keeps kids clutter in one spot, making cleanup easier. Gently guide them to play there and return toys after use.

And hey, encourage outdoor play too! It’s great for them and means less mess indoors. Smart, right?

6 Limit Amount Of Toys

Try limiting the number of toys. This not only makes cleaning easier but also teaches kids to value what they have.

You’ve got two choices: either declutter by removing outgrown or unused toys, or try toy rotation. With rotation, expose only a few toys at a time, then switch them up occasionally.

This keeps your child engaged without getting bored and you have less things to take care of.

7 Decluttering

Decluttering your home can really lighten your load. With fewer items, there’s less to clean and organize. Make it a regular thing.

Set aside a spot for items to donate. This way, you’re not just tidying up; you’re also making space and helping others. Plus, a decluttered space brings a sense of calm.

Trust me, a little bit of sorting out can make a big difference!

8 Efficiently Organize Clothes And Shoes

Arrange your clothes and shoes in drawers so everyone can easily reach and return them.

Sort clothes by season for simplicity. Try labeling drawers and using photos on shoe boxes for quick identification.

For kids, keep their wardrobes smaller. Fewer clothes mean simpler laundry and organization.

This way, you save time and avoid the daily hunt for that one shirt or shoe pair!

9 Apply Minimalism Where Possible

Minimalism at home isn’t about losing everything, but cherishing what truly matters.

Identify areas that consistently get cluttered and consider reducing items in these spaces. Cut down on decorative items, keeping only those that truly inspire and warm your heart. This reduces cleaning time.

Embrace minimalism to focus on what’s important, creating a home filled with value, not just things.

10 Cleaning-Friendly Purchases

When buying items, especially those you’ll clean often like car seats or highchairs, think about how easy they are to clean. Go for washable options.

Choose furniture and decor with easy-to-clean surfaces or removable, washable covers. This simple choice saves you time and effort in upkeep.

It’s not just about buying; it’s about smart buying for a cleaner, more manageable home

11 Establish Tidying Routines

Establishing tidying routines early on is crucial.

Teach your child to finish and clean up one activity before starting another. Sure, there might be a bit of whining, but sticking to it will give the results later on. This habit keeps your space neat and teaches your child responsibility.

Consider creating a cleaning schedule. For example, you can assign every Thursday for changing sheets and every third day mopping the floor. This way you will feel more organized and your cleaning will be structured.

12 Break Up Big Tasks

Break up big tasks to make them more manageable.

Instead of saving all your laundry for one overwhelming day, do a bit each day. This approach makes it less burdensome and keeps your laundry pile in check.

It’s about tackling chores in small, manageable chunks.

Trust me, spreading out the work makes a huge difference. You’ll feel less stressed and more on top of your household tasks.

13 Tidy as You Go

Tidy as you go – it’s a game-changer. Clean up while cooking or during kids’ bath time, instead of scrolling through social media.

Remember to take out the trash when leaving your apartment.

Never leave a room empty-handed: always grab something that belongs elsewhere.

This way, you’re constantly keeping things in order, effortlessly.

14 Daily Essential Tasks

Set daily essential tasks to keep your house tidy with minimal effort.

Make your bed every morning – it’s a quick win. Keep counters clear and do the dishes regularly. Don’t let garbage bins overflow; empty them as needed. At day’s end, gather toys from the floor.

These simple tasks, tailored to your preferences, maintain cleanliness without overwhelming you. It’s about small, consistent steps for a continually neat home.

15 Involve Kids (And Not Only) In Cleaning

Get everyone involved in cleaning, kids included.

Teach children to help with household chores from an early age. It builds responsibility and teamwork. You can find appropriate chores for different ages. Assign tasks to all family members. This way, everyone contributes and learns the value of keeping a clean home.

It’s not just about cleaning; it’s about working together as a family. Sharing the load makes it lighter for everyone.

16 Keep Your Systems Simple

Keep your household organization system simple! Each member of the family should be able to easily follow it.

For example, use color-coded bins for different types of toys or items. This way, even the youngest can sort things correctly. Make sure each task is straightforward and effortless for all family members.

Store cleaning products conveniently: keep them near where they are most used.

A simple system means less confusion and more teamwork in keeping your home tidy and organized.

17 Anticipate Common Messes

Be prepared for common messes.

If your child often spills liquids, keep old towels handy for quick cleanups. If your child makes a lot of mess while eating, place an old tablecloth on the floor to catch food scraps and crumbs. It helps not to clean the floor after every meal time.

Simple solutions like these prevent frustration and make managing a child’s mess much easier.

18 Prevent Overwhelming Messes

Tackle clutter before it piles up. Start with one or two rooms at a time and keep them maintained. This approach keeps the mess manageable.

Avoid letting your house reach a point where cleaning feels like a huge task. Regular tidying, even in small doses, can make a big difference.

It’s about staying on top of things, so your home always feels welcoming and under control.

19 Invest In Good Cleaning Equipment

Investing in good cleaning equipment can revolutionize your routine.

It’s worth investing in a quality hoover, an efficient dishwasher, or even a robot cleaner. Consider a portable carpet and upholstery cleaner or a small handheld vacuum.

With these tools you can achieve better results faster. And the overall cleaning experience will become more enjoyable.

20 Hire Help If You Can

Consider hiring cleaning help to ease your workload. Even if it will be just occasional help, it might be worth it.

Whether it’s a professional service or a local cleaning lady, getting assistance can make a big difference. They can deal with those time-consuming tasks, giving you more time for yourself or with your family.

It’s not just about cleaning; it’s about creating more space in your life for what truly matters.

21 Let it Go and Shift the Focus

Let go of the need for a perfectly clean house.

Remember, life is not about the hours spent mopping floors or folding laundry. What truly matters are the moments with your family and kids. Play outside, enjoy picnics, cherish quality time.

Dust will always return, no matter how intensively you clean today.

If you have to choose between cleaning and a fun activity with your kids, always pick your kids.

Your house should serve you, not the other way around.

Try to apply these tips in your household management and let me know if they were helpful for you!

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